The Sound of This Tiny Sleeping Hummingbird Snoring Will Melt Your Heart - Vibes


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Monday 9 September 2019

The Sound of This Tiny Sleeping Hummingbird Snoring Will Melt Your Heart

Some ingenious scientists in Peru have recorded sleeping hummingbirds and have discovered that nature's little jewels really snore! Hummingbirds are well known for their remarkably high metabolic rate. They have to spend all day throwing at full speed, constantly feeding themselves to feed their frenetic pace of life. Their wings beat very fast, competing at any speed between 50 and 80 beats per second and this generates their characteristic "hum" sound. These birds can fly in any direction and can even float in the air. At maximum speed, they can fly at almost 80 km / h. With such a rapid metabolism, their little hearts work overtime. To sleep they must slip into drowsiness, which is their state of rest. Your metabolism, including breathing and heart rate, decreases dramatically to save energy. To wake up again, they must breathe deeply to restore the exhausted oxygen supply. And that's why it looks like they're actually snoring. These adorable little characters originate from America, with over 300 different species known. The hummingbirds are very colorful and all wear the impressive iridescent plumage. They have delicate, long and thin tips and tongues to reach the bottom of the flowers where the nectar is stored. The plant relies on the hummingbird to sprinkle pollen by dipping the beak to feed itself. Thus, the jeweled retailer will bring pollen to other flowers and facilitate pollination. Therefore, every time you hear the deep breath and the whistle, you will know that it is the beginning of the bird, which rises from hibernation to face another hectic day, at high speed and demanding. If you have been intrigued by the snoring of this dear little bird, share your video with your loved ones.

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